Looking for work?

  • Choose a career in demand
  • Become an Affiliate or Team Builder
  • Create your own hours
  • Work in US, Hong Kong, Mexico, & Philippines
  • Training & support included
  • 30-day fast start bonus incentive
  • Get paid weekly & monthly
  • Earning potential $28,000+ weekly
  • Major advancement opportunities
  • Company sign-on bonus - profit sharing
  • Tax advantages (1099)

What you get as a promoter…

Ecommerce Affiliate Website

Mobile App:
Do business anywhere

Back Office:
Track your business

Dental, vision, Rx & more

When you partner with me, you can feel good knowing that with my combined 27+ years experience in this industry as a professional business builder, digital marketer, blogger, brand strategist, global trainer and recruiter; my leadership and support, I can help you build fast and produce quick results using the social media platforms that you're already on with our social selling system. I pride myself in helping people create a life they love, and a career that doesn't require a vacation away from.

Here's what made sense to me and why you should join… The Ultimate Side Gig

This fantastic health drink makes a perfect at home business for me.

I lost 84lbs and am down from a size 24 to a size 10 in 9 months. Here's why I started my own business:

  • NO BRAINER: Lose weight, feel great & get paid doing it!
  • 2 CUSTOMERS pays for my product to hit my health goals!
  • FREE healthcare benefits discounts included
  • LUCRATIVE COMPENSATION: 50% commission on customer volume
  • IT PAYS JUST TO BE IN! Profit sharing bonus from day one
  • "HEALTH & WELLNESS" is the most searched on the web
  • HEALTHY. FAT BURNING. ENERGY. Product in high demand
  • VACATIONS: I took 20+ trips in one year
  • LUXURY CARS: I paid off 2 BMWs
  • DREAM HOME: I bought mine with a heated pool
  • IN MY FIRST SIX DAYS I made over $1700
  • I'VE LED A HUGE ORGANIZATION that has earned me $10,000 in four hours!

Fill out the form and let's talk…

When I receive your form submission, I'll be sure to get back with you and qet your questions answered to see if our business is a right fit for you.

contact Jennifer Welch

*We value you and your email privacy. Your information is strictly confidential and will not be sold.